East Los Angeles Occupational Center Home


ELAOC offers classes to help you earn a high school diploma, prepare for the high school equivalent test (HiSET), learn and improve your English language skills, and receive career training in several industry sectors. Don't wait; enroll today at one of our campuses:

East Los Angeles Occupational Center
2100 Marengo Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 276-7000
East Los Angeles Skills Center
3921 Selig Place
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 224-5970
Eastside Learning Center
4355 Michigan Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 729-1800

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News & Announcements

Immigration Resource Clinic 3/29

Free Immigration Clinic 3/29

School board member Dr. Rocío Rivas invites you to a Free Immigration Resource Clinic, March 29 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Franklin High School, located at 820 N. Avenue 54.

Get Free Legal Consultation Services, support with N-400 citizenship application & Know Your Rights workshop.

Free Immigration Resource Clinic:
· Date: Saturday, March 29
· Time: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
· Place: Franklin High School, located at 820 N. Avenue 54.
See flyer for details

Spring English (ESL) Classes in Session - Enroll Today!

ELAOC offers English classes and various options to learn and improve English language skills. We offer beginning, intermediate, and advanced level English classes in the morning, evenings, and Saturdays. See the flyer for more information! Inscripción abierta! Para más información, consulte el folleto.
Allied Health Professional Hiring Event 5/22/25

Save the Date: Allied Health In-Person Hiring Event - May 22, 2025

Mark your calendars for this year’s Allied Health Department Hiring Event, hosted at the East Los Angeles Skills Center on May 22, 2025, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. This event is an excellent opportunity for our clinical and employer partners to connect with our talented students as they launch their careers in healthcare. Please see the attached flyer to register for event.

Master Calendar


East Los Angeles Occupational Center (ELAOC) is part of the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Division of Adult and Career Education. We have been providing a high-quality, low-cost education since 1969. Students at ELAOC can earn a high school diploma or HiSET and learn English as a second language. We also offer training that upgrades skills for an existing job and classes that prepare people for a new career. We have something for everyone and welcome you to take a look at our programs and enroll.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement
Our faculty and staff are determined to do everything possible to support the high achievement of all our students.